
Les Pays-Bas délivrent un nouveau visa qui vous permet de rester 5 ans

Les Pays-Bas délivrent un nouveau visa qui vous permet de rester 5 ans.

The Netherlands offers a new 5-year visa to immigrate with your family. It is one of the best opportunities to immigrate and live in the Netherlands, one of the best countries in Europe, by applying for a visa for highly skilled immigrants.

Highly skilled migrants

Highly skilled migrants come to the Netherlands to make a contribution to the knowledge economy. If they hold the nationality of a country outside the EU (other than Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland or Switzerland), they need a recognised sponsor.

Recognised sponsors

Recognised sponsors are listed in a public register and can submit permit applications for highly skilled migrants. Highly skilled migrants must be paid an income which is above a set threshold. For more information, see the IND website.

Les Pays-Bas délivrent un nouveau visa qui vous permet de rester 5 ans.


The national laws and regulations of the Netherlands are detailed in English at the website. Do you have questions about this? You can call or email Informatie Rijksoverheid, the Netherlands’ Public Information Service. You can also send a message via X, Facebook or WhatsApp.

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